Singing a Different Tune (Up) (Tune Ups)
May 30, 2021
Engines required a lot more maintenance in earlier times. You'd have to have your spark plugs, wires, rotors, caps, distributor points, fuel and air filters changed periodically. There were mechanical adjustments of a vehicle's timing, dwell, spark gap and idle mixture, too. Unless you like to ... More

Wipe Out! New Wiper Blades for Saginaw Drivers
May 23, 2021
When people in Saginaw talk about vehicle safety, they think of tires and brakes. But do we think about our windshields? Isn't the ability to see a prime safety factor when it comes to driving around TX? Yet we often don't even notice our windshields until we can't see through them or our wiper ... More

Kwik Kar Saginaw: Why Replace Your Engine Air Filter?
May 16, 2021
Just as our bodies need clean air to function properly, your vehicle engine needs clean air to operate efficiently. Let's go egghead for a minute. For every gallon of gas we burn driving on Saginaw streets, 20 pounds of carbon dioxide comes out the tailpipe. Question: how can a gallon of gas tha... More

Objects in the Mirror (Rearview Mirror Safety and Maintenance)
May 9, 2021
You may remember a song that went, "Objects in the rearview mirror may appear closer than they are." While that was a song about life's lessons, there are a few things we should all know about how important rearview mirrors are to safe driving. While new electronic devices are helping drivers be ... More

How to Radiate Cool (Radiator Care)
May 2, 2021
There's nothing that radiates cool like a vehicle radiator that's helping to keep your engine running at the proper temperature. You don't have to baby it, but you can't simply ignore it, either. Let's take a quick dive under the hood to let you know what the radiator is doing. It takes the he... More