Another Couple of Years: Making Your Vehicle Last With Help From Kwik Kar Saginaw
February 23, 2020
A while back, the Cash for Clunkers program was all over the TX news. Saginaw people could trade in their old vehicle for a new one that got better gas mileage and receive a government rebate. A lot of Saginaw motorists had so-called clunkers that they wanted to keep. They're good commuters, gro... More

Fuel Saving Tip: Saginaw Tune Up
February 16, 2020
Have you ever gone to listen to an orchestra? The musicians take the stage early and tune their instruments. Each individual instrument must be in tune, but the critical thing is for the entire orchestra to be in tune with each other. That's why they tune up together.Now this is no surprise; I'm ... More

Not So Hot in Saginaw
February 9, 2020
When the weather turns cold, it's nice to crank up the furnace and enjoy the heat. But if your home's furnace doesn't work, it's not too comfortable. Same goes with your vehicle. When the heater's not working, things can get miserable. It could also signal some major problems, which we'll discuss... More

Fuel Saving Tip: Fuel System Cleaning Near Saginaw, TX
February 2, 2020
A lot of fuel is wasted in the Saginaw area by dirty fuel delivery systems in vehicles.Let's start at the tank. The gas tank gathers dirt, rust and sediment over the years. That's why there's a fuel filter to clean the fuel after it leaves the tank. A dirty filter will rob the engine of the clean... More